Sunday 29 December 2013

Swim, Scallop! Swim!

Clap those crazy, crinkly-crisp lips like a fast forward Pac-Man in armour plate.

This guy just can't wait for 2014! Poor fellow ought to relax. He's tiring himself out.


TexWisGirl said...

so that's where castanets came from!

Joseph JG said...

It's the music of the sea!

Crunchy said...

That's not what a scallop looks like. Where's the bacon?

Hannah Banana said...

Hello! Just a new reader hopping by to say, I love your blog! As someone who is pretty much terrified of anything that doesn't walk on two legs.... I find your blog fascinating(ly terrifying)! You've got a lovely way of writing as well, makes everything very interesting and entertaining :) cheers!

Joseph JG said...

@Crunchy: I'm sure it's in there. The scallop probably just doesn't want to share!

@Hannah Banana: Ho! Thank you for your kind words, I'm pleased to terrify you!