Wednesday 26 September 2012

Killing you softly. And slowly. And horribly.

So they got one of those tiny cameras that are making our lives a living, near-future nightmare, put it in a mussel and then had us all watch it watch itself get brutally consumed by a starfish.

Pretty darn sick. And a grim example of the horrors that lie beyond our limited scope. The horrors that are too slow, too fast or too small for us to grasp. Let alone the horrors we don't yet even recognise as horrors! 'Tis all horror! Horror all the way down!

Of course, we all know that some molluscs turn the tables on even the most vicious of starfish. Your death will be avenged! Slowly.


Crunchy said...

Is it traumatic to be unable to move as something kills you if you've spent your entire life literally glued to the floor?

Joseph JG said...

You know, I bet they're pretty stoical about the whole thing. Once they've glued themselves to the floor there's no turning back, and I'm sure they prepare themselves psychologically for all the horrible things that may happen. I hope so, anyway.

FaustXIII said...

in fairness to the sea star, (baked) mussels taste pretty good...

Joseph JG said...

Haha! If only their taste buds touched it before their stomach did!

Anonymous said...

ARGHHHHH........I could even hear it slurping! I feel a nightmare coming on! AMAZING!

Joseph JG said...

There's the problem. Amazingly nightmarish and nightmarishly amazing!